★Listening to: Rob Zombie - Return of the Phantom Stranger
Woo gosh I'm kind of tired today despite going to bed early...well early for me, like 4 am. I usually go to bed at like 7 am or 9 am which ends my suffering for the rest of the day. But I woke up at 12 pm and got a lot done beyond folding laundry which is one of the chore activities I hate doing the most ugh. Its so tedious. I'm already drained and I haven't even started folding my clean cloths and then to go put the last of my dirty ones in the wash...EXHAUSTED!
I watched the recent episode of What we do in the Shadows and I fucking loved it. Its so sad the season is almost done. 2 more episodes left and here's hoping they have a season 4. I just really love this series since the movie dropped. To the point I've watched the spin offs with the British officers experiencing paranormal things and them just thinking its...like yup huh..well yuh know that's life LOL. The humor is dry but too funny in my books.
It's hard for me to get into TV series cause a lot of what I like is few to none, speaking of which here's hoping season 2 of Dracula becomes a legit thing!
It's hard for me to get into TV series cause a lot of what I like is few to none, speaking of which here's hoping season 2 of Dracula becomes a legit thing!
Revisiting some music today to chill and relax to and I'm getting back into some oldies who's albums I used to own. I don't have the CDs anymore cause I been lost them around 20-21 years old 
I am legit counting down the days till October 30th. I can not wait to see my partner ;u;!! I miss THEEEEEEEEEEEEMZ! I kinda want to doodle him a traditional gift so they can have honestly. Not sure if I have time between commissions though and a possible Halloween piece of our sonas in the costumes we gonna wear. I WILL SEEEEEEEEE!
In the meantime, I have a few more things to add to my bio page and images to collect from my folder for my other pages. So.. woof..then off to drawing. I hope to finish one portrait commission that's been on my queue for months. It's legit 95% done I'm just fussing over minor details. No shock there I'm anal as hell with paid work... it is what it is. But it's looking amazing so far. Check out the wip so far
In the meantime, I have a few more things to add to my bio page and images to collect from my folder for my other pages. So.. woof..then off to drawing. I hope to finish one portrait commission that's been on my queue for months. It's legit 95% done I'm just fussing over minor details. No shock there I'm anal as hell with paid work... it is what it is. But it's looking amazing so far. Check out the wip so far