★Listening to: Powerman 5000 - Supernova Goes Pop
Yuh know its really starting to piss me off with how cute people like to be with me online. Imma be real I ain't for the switch up or the word play.
Someone dmed me that someone was " ripping off my style" and honestly I don't care if people take inspo from my art. Unless racially charged, stalkerish, or just fetish creep shit with my art or my online presence which has happened before many times, that I handle with a simple block. I don't got time for no freak ass folks online in my age. I'm pretty okay with folks being inspired by me though. It don't bug me. What pissed me tf off to the point of making a comment on the submission was the obvious misgendering.
Someone dmed me that someone was " ripping off my style" and honestly I don't care if people take inspo from my art. Unless racially charged, stalkerish, or just fetish creep shit with my art or my online presence which has happened before many times, that I handle with a simple block. I don't got time for no freak ass folks online in my age. I'm pretty okay with folks being inspired by me though. It don't bug me. What pissed me tf off to the point of making a comment on the submission was the obvious misgendering.
Mind you others commented saying um....clearly this isn't about style inspiration, it was calling a transman a she. And my pronouns are on any site I'm on are the first thing on my page before any information. So yuh know...I don't believe that shit even more so with how dismissive she was even when saying sorry..it just seemed like okay what ever I said sorry but its fine. An someone nicely corrected them and I commented so pple wouldn't dogpile cause I ain't for that, but had to be blunt and stern with the misgendering shit. This person has legit faved out my majority of my gallery and follows me. And your telling me you cant read the first thing you see on my page when it loads muh nigga?
So sick of this shit nor do I care to accept apologies, while I'm not hateful nor hold no beef I am insanely tempted to just block because I don't care to tolerate this shit and their dismissive behavior with them coming to note me like waaaah I feel so embarrassed and it shouldn't have been public. Oh fuck off. Intentional or untentional...it was still pretty transphobic even more so the responses. An the fact they arn't focusing on the misgendering and harping on the style thing..like how many times I gotta tell you I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK IF SOMEONE TAKES INSPO FROM ME. IVE BEEN ONLINE FOR 20 YEARS POSTING PUBLICALLY. ITS GON HAPPEN!
So sick of this shit nor do I care to accept apologies, while I'm not hateful nor hold no beef I am insanely tempted to just block because I don't care to tolerate this shit and their dismissive behavior with them coming to note me like waaaah I feel so embarrassed and it shouldn't have been public. Oh fuck off. Intentional or untentional...it was still pretty transphobic even more so the responses. An the fact they arn't focusing on the misgendering and harping on the style thing..like how many times I gotta tell you I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK IF SOMEONE TAKES INSPO FROM ME. IVE BEEN ONLINE FOR 20 YEARS POSTING PUBLICALLY. ITS GON HAPPEN!
You think niggas wont peep me all those years and take inspo from me, its a given. An some have out right told me and I'm more than okay with it as long as you arn't being a fetishy creep racist about it. I'm like that's not the point...and stated so openly so no one would come after her for that. Like you admitted you take reference, I wouldn't care if you admitted it or not. But really... you fave out a niggas gallery, claim I inspire you and completely ignore their trans? Then be dismissive when called on it by me and others like...bro.
I'mma think hard on the block with this cause honestly I really don't like the tone what so ever with that dismissive transphobia with some half ass sorry cause you know you offended me. I'm not gonna be like "awww baby boo hoo its okay". It's not, I know you can read. Or just say sorry with out this BS backhanded shit after. I'm so good on that.
I'mma think hard on the block with this cause honestly I really don't like the tone what so ever with that dismissive transphobia with some half ass sorry cause you know you offended me. I'm not gonna be like "awww baby boo hoo its okay". It's not, I know you can read. Or just say sorry with out this BS backhanded shit after. I'm so good on that.
Anyways the misgerndering shit blew my mood for the day and I'm already feeling a bit off with my transness cause I called for HRT only to be told I'm in for a long wait to even get an appointment to see if I can get it. So yeah what ever.... already in a grumpy piss TF off mood.