★Listening to: Akira Yamaoka- Tender sugar
★Watching: Perfume: The story of a murderer
★Reading: Fanfiction
★Playing: High on Life
★Eating: Boom boom pizza
★Eating: Boom boom pizza
★Drinking: Day's pineapple cola
Guess who got their own table at Trans Art Mart and punk rock flee market? I did weeeeeeeee!
Just wanted to update yalls on that at least. I did talk about trying out for Trans art mart in my last journal post but not punk rock flea market. But yep I got into 2 cons to be a vendor in dec. I basically have a month to prep for 2 cons. Unsure if I'm going to make some originals to sell but basically yessir will be selling my leftover stock from Furryadelphia since I over-ordered stuff.
Trying not to get some odd excited anxiety over this cause I am the type to not do jack shit artistically knowing these events are coming up. So I'm not trying to get too jittery over it even though I'm mad excited about actually being accepted to more cons. For cons, I'll be attending just head over to my website and you'll see my conventions bar here
( also I have an updated site after years *cough* since high school..15+ years*cough*)

Also got put on the wait list for West Craft Fest and goth shop and social which is A-okay... I think I'm overbooked for December honestly. So I'm actually a lil nervous if a spot opens up for them cause jeeeeeeezus. The fact I even got accepted for the waitlist is incredible when I say that these cons are huge here and hard to get into I mean it. I'm feeling so inspired. Anyway, I have a ton that will queue up on my social media to be posted in time after cons so y'all don't feel I have abandoned yalls. I haven't. Just a tad spread thin and busy working on things. Also If I get accepted to South street art mart you have an actual storefront that supports queer folks where I also get a cut of it while the other cut goes to to queer support locally and more. I rather my work be pushed toward that. So Cross fingers guys I get in. That will be such a positive experience and I'll be sure to post that store link once that's available.