★Listening to: Akira Yamaoka- Tender sugar
★Watching: Perfume: The story of a murderer
★Reading: Fanfiction
★Playing: High on Life
★Eating: Boom boom pizza
★Eating: Boom boom pizza
★Drinking: Day's pineapple cola
Guess who got their own table at Trans Art Mart and punk rock flee market? I did weeeeeeeee!
Just wanted to update yalls on that at least. I did talk about trying out for Trans art mart in my last journal post but not punk rock flea market. But yep I got into 2 cons to be a vendor in dec. I basically have a month to prep for 2 cons. Unsure if I'm going to make some originals to sell but basically yessir will be selling my leftover stock from Furryadelphia since I over-ordered stuff.
Trying not to get some odd excited anxiety over this cause I am the type to not do jack shit artistically knowing these events are coming up. So I'm not trying to get too jittery over it even though I'm mad excited about actually being accepted to more cons. For cons, I'll be attending just head over to my website and you'll see my conventions bar here
( also I have an updated site after years *cough* since high school..15+ years*cough*)

Also got put on the wait list for West Craft Fest and goth shop and social which is A-okay... I think I'm overbooked for December honestly. So I'm actually a lil nervous if a spot opens up for them cause jeeeeeeezus. The fact I even got accepted for the waitlist is incredible when I say that these cons are huge here and hard to get into I mean it. I'm feeling so inspired. Anyway, I have a ton that will queue up on my social media to be posted in time after cons so y'all don't feel I have abandoned yalls. I haven't. Just a tad spread thin and busy working on things. Also If I get accepted to South street art mart you have an actual storefront that supports queer folks where I also get a cut of it while the other cut goes to to queer support locally and more. I rather my work be pushed toward that. So Cross fingers guys I get in. That will be such a positive experience and I'll be sure to post that store link once that's available.
Also impromptu date with mi papu chulo down at gay street: p
( KEEP IN MIND we did go to a sex shop so NSFW images ahead warning so don't look if you dont wanna see kink gear)
(click images to enlarge them)
Decided to go to South street art mart which is a local artist-only store that supports bipoc and queer artists only. After dropping off my portfolio here to sell my stuff and be part of the collective owner to be considered. I decided to take a look around and get some merch.
Look at my haul
The inside of South street art mart... So much goodies
Now for our visit to crash bang boom
After that, we did want to go to our fave queer kink shop called passional boutique sexploratorium
Here we actually got a 1-on-1 experience with electro play with an employee named Nactum (what a gent) who taught us about electric play with one of the many sets and machines. He was beyond lovely and very safe. One of my fave shops that let you explore the heavier kink stuff before buying or committing. He was beyond nice to tone down the machine for us and asked us if we consented each time if we wanted him to try it on our skin at higher levels and with different tools. Gotta say I will be buying that set because of him in the future, you just made a sale babes.
My fiance got this Pay It Forward metal vintage poster :P The pay it forward program in this shop helps queer folks get binders/packers or more for lower prices or free. And it's so cool to have in our house now.
After that, we ate at an authentic Turkish restaurant called Ramiz, since we both have been busy working and haven't had time for dates since the summer. Though we live together we both have our own life and tend to isolate ourselves a lot to focus on ourselves so this was nice and new for us. And it was such a lovely experience. The staff were so sweet/genuine and also kept checking on us. Since we didn't know much about Turkish food they treated us like family giving us their fave choices they ate back home that they liked since all the staff were immigrants from Turkey. Sadly no pictures of this event because me and my fiance were starving after walking around all day after giving 2 local stores in that area my portfolio with art to sell perma in their shops. So we devoured all the food...Today was a great day.
But alas that is all lovelies. While I am trying to stay active on social media the most I can do is update with art but socializing is just not an option for me at this point. Doing way too many art cons both furry and non furry with my work. I am also getting very involved in the local art scene here in philly which is huge, so if I don't reply often just know that's why. I don't want to spread myself too thin verbally. I'm exhausted at best. Toodles for now.. this kitty gotta get his ass back to work.