★Listening to: Korn- Counting on Me
★Watching: Frankenhooker
★Reading: Fanfiction
★Playing: High on life
★Eating: Sweet sticky rice with sweet chili beef slices & mango
★Eating: Sweet sticky rice with sweet chili beef slices & mango
★Drinking: Foco sugar cane drink
Long time no update and boy do I have a ton to talk about. I haven't updated since April but honestly, I've just been insanely busy with my IRL that I truly don't have time for online life at times...it happens with me. Also, I think it's back to being balanced like it used to be before covid started personally. I never ever was the online type anyway beyond posting my art so personally I like the distance. If it's not art related in terms of creativity and posting I don't give a fuck about it.

Conventions: Furrydelphia 2023
I should have written about this right after my con but I was too busy living in the moment honestly. This was my first furry con ever. I truly could not bring myself to go to any other through my decades in the fandom due to goingto a ton of goth parties in my early to mid 20's, but honestly glad I finally went. It was my first time tabling at a furry con with big help from my apprentice Rudra Kitty. Got to take tons of pictures, I made the first sale in Artist Alley and my personal sales were waaaay waaay more than what I expected. Talk about a great time overall. The staff was beyond sweet. And I mean all around professional I have ever experienced at a function. They were forever checking on me at my table if I was okay, thirsty, or hungry. I mean there wasn't anything I didn't want that the con staff could not supply. They were above and beyond.
I will say this was my first con and I did not know what was going on in terms of con table ticket vs con badge. So the whole time I was making sales and such up until the last hour without a con badge. I alerted the staff however because it just seemed odd everyone had a badge and I didn't. Once again con staff was helpful and got me signed in, I paid for my badge and continued my sales for the last 40 mins. Didn't wanna walk away making insane sales but not paying but that was easily rectified with the help of staff and letting them know it was my first time and their understanding since they were rushing us to nab a table to set up. So either way it was just due to time constrictions why that happened. Easy fix tho ^.^;
After con, me and Rudra Kitty were supposed to go to hot pot buuuuuuut we were so exhausted that we truly passed out at my place and saved the treat outing till the next day instead. We were tired af maaang. But overall great experience for my first furry con and now it will be the only local furry con I will be going to : D yippeeee
I will say this was my first con and I did not know what was going on in terms of con table ticket vs con badge. So the whole time I was making sales and such up until the last hour without a con badge. I alerted the staff however because it just seemed odd everyone had a badge and I didn't. Once again con staff was helpful and got me signed in, I paid for my badge and continued my sales for the last 40 mins. Didn't wanna walk away making insane sales but not paying but that was easily rectified with the help of staff and letting them know it was my first time and their understanding since they were rushing us to nab a table to set up. So either way it was just due to time constrictions why that happened. Easy fix tho ^.^;
After con, me and Rudra Kitty were supposed to go to hot pot buuuuuuut we were so exhausted that we truly passed out at my place and saved the treat outing till the next day instead. We were tired af maaang. But overall great experience for my first furry con and now it will be the only local furry con I will be going to : D yippeeee
Future conventions: Philly TransArtMart 2023
I will try to attend this con market if I'm picked for a table. So..FINGERS CROSSED.. I can get into this one since I did sign up early application-wise. if not I can always try again next year to snag a spot. It's a pretty big con to the point they had to change locations from the first one I attended so here's hoping. If I do get picked.

IRL Updates
There is so much with this one... Currently on vacation from my job which is lovely for me honestly. I also started transitioning on T and I am currently 8 weeks in. I won't even front that T hit me like a damn truck. Within the first week or 2 voice cracking then boom.... my voice dropped in week 4 like a damn semi truck @.@;; here is a vid
I am on week 8 so my voice is even deeper and sheeesh I'm not experiencing a ton of body pain like I did the first 4 weeks so that's good 
I was set up for top surgery consultation oct 2nd but I didn't receive my call so now I have to redo it and ask what was up with that ughh but it's okay..either way, my insurance covers it so I'm not even mad about it.

I was set up for top surgery consultation oct 2nd but I didn't receive my call so now I have to redo it and ask what was up with that ughh but it's okay..either way, my insurance covers it so I'm not even mad about it.
On to the oooiigooey JUICEY JUICEY THO

I am engaged!!! to my babes and I am so happy, and yes a bitch is finally off the market which I still find it hard to believe sometimes considering my antics. I knew he was different though, even throughout our friendship. All I had to do was give him a shot and boom he wasted no time. I've been so happy throughout the majority of the year and he has been such a huge help to me in the house and with my mental health woof 

I also never knew I would love being a house hubby, I truly thought that ship sailed 10 years ago and I just got cold to the idea of marriage or even allowing anyone in my damn space for long periods of time. But it has weaseled its way back with someone who wants me to flourish and wants to see me happy. My Chinese side of the family is very curious about him since my cousins and sister are just ???? about him every time I talk about him they know I'm extremely well taken care of and happy.
It's funny how he asked me though, we were just sharing memes with each other and stimming off each other for hours and he goes you wanna get married? I'm like sghdfajhdgasjhda BOI??? FR? FR? not for play play? and he goes yes of course LMFAOO. We spent the day looking up how to start engagement only to realize it was really that simple of just both of us going yep LMFAO we still have to get our rings but we want them to be unique to our cultures and alternativeness. So far I picked my ring and he is still looking for his. mmmm the yummy is imminent!
Some I'm close to have stated "Hey damn, that's pretty soon" which personally I really don't feel so. If someone wants to jump the together forever goals with me and I'm beyond happy with you why not it would happen sooner or later. I did get comments like that from a few friends but I also realized these same friends either can not fully commit to their own or are just single and it's not by choice either. I get the misery loves company shit but got damn yalls be happy for your friends when you know they have been through the bullshit with so much fuck boizzz, be happy they found a diamond in the slosh of shit dating pool. For my friends who were beyond excited, thanks for that support it does say a lot about the company I keep which I have been very carefully distancing from to keep my life positive with good folks only.
But back to house hubby me, I've been cooking a lot after finding that there is in fact a Chinese market 10 mins by car from me and let me tell you I have not had my cultural food in so long. Like almost 2 years since I thought there was one close to me. I can finally cook things I want finally. I still have to find a Jamaican market but my hubby has been on the search for both a Jamaican market for my other culture's food and a Mexican one for himself cause he wants to fix me some of his naive dishes which I'm very excited about.
Some I'm close to have stated "Hey damn, that's pretty soon" which personally I really don't feel so. If someone wants to jump the together forever goals with me and I'm beyond happy with you why not it would happen sooner or later. I did get comments like that from a few friends but I also realized these same friends either can not fully commit to their own or are just single and it's not by choice either. I get the misery loves company shit but got damn yalls be happy for your friends when you know they have been through the bullshit with so much fuck boizzz, be happy they found a diamond in the slosh of shit dating pool. For my friends who were beyond excited, thanks for that support it does say a lot about the company I keep which I have been very carefully distancing from to keep my life positive with good folks only.
But back to house hubby me, I've been cooking a lot after finding that there is in fact a Chinese market 10 mins by car from me and let me tell you I have not had my cultural food in so long. Like almost 2 years since I thought there was one close to me. I can finally cook things I want finally. I still have to find a Jamaican market but my hubby has been on the search for both a Jamaican market for my other culture's food and a Mexican one for himself cause he wants to fix me some of his naive dishes which I'm very excited about.
Made my papi some Chinese dishes
but also made him a Jamaican/Chinese fusion rice bowl which he showed his family and they were like WHEN IS HE (me) COMING TO VISIT AND COOK jkdfhsdkjfs

but so far me and hubby have been beyond happy and really just getting our house in order and personally planning to save and move into something bigger living-wise. I am considering still staying in the east coast but also seeing how expensive it gets here if I want to consider moving back home with him near his family tbh. But that's our long-term goal for rn we are happy and honestly, our first plan is go on our honeymoon to Mexico. Which you know my big fat ass is excited about. MMMMM AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOOOOOOOOD YUMMO

ART UPDATES: Posting and online presence
Oh welp this was bound to happen.. but it is what it is so I'll get down to it...
I have decided to use my twitter and most social media as just dumping archives... and what made me reach this head space was years of me slowly getting bitter with what the furry community used to be and what it has become. Now take this with a grain of salt considering I'm a fur from 1998. The 2000's-2010's were a blast in terms of actual artistic community. From what I've been presented with at a certain point after 2012 and social media started to boom... it just got very toxic even in head space where folks are climbing to the top for numbers vs well just drawing for the sake of art and building genuine community. And its depressing af. An truly made me not want to share my work slowly cause I'm not about that if not truly jaded by the environment.
NGL before my con in Philly, I'm like if these furs are like furs online Im fucking wiping my online presence and staying on my personal website cause I'm sick of it. Imagine my shock that the con brought community nostalgia and people just caring about art. People actually want to talk to you about art and on their passion for the fandom beyond bullshit on feeds. It really made me take a step back and go mmmmmm yeah the community is still here...its just a cesspool on social media.
I've also been hanging out more in the 30s+ fur chat where I reconnected with all my homies I had back in the day when I first came into the community (shocked so many of them are still here) and the floodgates of inspiration and love for my art came back. Go figures really...
I think for me to be artistically active I will stay on My Website and I also made a Misc Archive that is dated and will be flooded with new future art that will be both polished and sketches with personal art, gift art, and art trades with my homies to keep that fun I had when I was just starting in the fandom.
My other social medias are just dumping grounds atm and the last to be updated while my website and commission discord are pretty much fully up to date. I'm Pretty happy to admit social media fully aint for me social wise and just to dump art and leave and go about my day. Plus I have so much fun in my server actually talking to folks on non-art shit too or hearing what others are up to.
I've also been hanging out more in the 30s+ fur chat where I reconnected with all my homies I had back in the day when I first came into the community (shocked so many of them are still here) and the floodgates of inspiration and love for my art came back. Go figures really...
I think for me to be artistically active I will stay on My Website and I also made a Misc Archive that is dated and will be flooded with new future art that will be both polished and sketches with personal art, gift art, and art trades with my homies to keep that fun I had when I was just starting in the fandom.
My other social medias are just dumping grounds atm and the last to be updated while my website and commission discord are pretty much fully up to date. I'm Pretty happy to admit social media fully aint for me social wise and just to dump art and leave and go about my day. Plus I have so much fun in my server actually talking to folks on non-art shit too or hearing what others are up to.
but on to art posting
A tapir oc by the name of Razorblade-X (ftm) I've been craving another top fuck boi oc since I created Rodney years ago and who would of thought it would be a tapir. I originally didn't know what type of animal I wanted and started researching odd-looking ones and tbh I thought tapirs were strange and I had a lot of fun trying to place expressions with em. He still isn't colored yet and it's because I'm stilling considering what to actually color him. Once I do heheeee
And some more doodles
1.The first one is of my Gazelle boi who is unnamed atm but he is another fuck boi oc to match my tapir. Hes very reverse pred x prey dynamic and not all there in the head but oh weeeeeell we love a cray cray top don't we :p There is a ton more art of him sketched out but I was too lazeeeh to take pics and would rather finish and scan him ..fuck it...boo hoo..yuh just gonna have to wait. I will say he is proving challenging to draw since I am not used to drawing herbivore types like him but gosh he is coming out so sexeeh...ooolalaaa2. just a doodle page of mi papi

and lastly
A funny 3 am doodle I did cause my hubby gave me his soda cause when we ordered takeout they forgot mine. When he gave me his I yelled " I GOT MUH PAPIS SODA!!!!!!" and he was like "yeah yeah spoiled". I'm like damn right biotch and by you no less.
I miss doing personal doodles like this. Deffo gonna scan and color to have for my Misc Archive soon :3c