★Listening to: The Birthday Massacre - Red Stars
I am growing so tired of not feeling secure or being able to settle after my move. Things are covered for a certain amount of time but then what yuh know... I can't shake the feeling of dread. I can't tell if it's actual dread of the future or just dread because I like to plan ahead with certainty. I hate not knowing what it is.
Currently trying to find a job to have a more sure stable income. I can not count on commissions because I can not count on my mental health and that's not something I am willing to gamble on right now.
On a positive note, I will be going to my first furry con this summer and doing artist alley so that's nice! So all I have to do is make some original content for sale, get stickers and prints ready and I'm good to go! I just feel so happy I'll be going to my first ever con within distance too. YAY!
But yeah this big ol floof is tired af.... I need a break and some much-needed TLC....