This section is dedicated to creating party memories. I go to many goth/ dark industrial/ rave events, concerts and more. I'm getting better at trying to take pics or at least videos of them to share and have a little virtual scrapbook of some sorts

Operation: Rom zombie, Alice Cooper, Ministry and Filter
Date: 9/8/2024
Rob Zombie's show was amazing and like all the bands/shows I'll be posting today I didn't get many videos because well I was busy headbanging maaaang!! For some reason, I got a lot of Alice Cooper though lmfaooo
(Alice Cooper)
Operation: Korn & Gojira
Date: 9/21/2024
Finally got to meet my all time fave, KORN!!!
Woooo this was a lot to upload and personally the more and more I go to concerts I just try to enjoy the music vs getting coverage for my blog but hey at least I got some stuff : D
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