★Listening to: FKA Twigs - Ride The Dragon
Wooooooooooooooo what a great start to my year and more!
So updates!! Came out to my mom as trans and got fully accepted as per my last entry. I am fully medicated and now my brain is working mad good. I'm able to just draw and not feel fatigued doing basic things. I'm chomping through my queue like its nothing and soon I'll be sure to be done with my commissions before the summer. An I haven't felt this confident and happy with my product turn out in a very long time. Since 2016 really. An this is a good thing. It just means I feel mentally healthy moving forward.
As for my transness and getting on T. Now that I don't feel the burden of being in the closet I actually don't mind waiting, since I'm on a waiting list atm. So Life is great in this department.
Got some work done and blowing through my queue and these are what I have so far and I love em. I hope to keep giving quality as I go through my queue!
As for my transness and getting on T. Now that I don't feel the burden of being in the closet I actually don't mind waiting, since I'm on a waiting list atm. So Life is great in this department.
Got some work done and blowing through my queue and these are what I have so far and I love em. I hope to keep giving quality as I go through my queue!
As for personal work, TBH I've been keeping to myself but in time I will be posting more personal stuff. I just want to get my queue down a bit more. But I do need to post more personal and character concepts, cause I'm mentally getting fried. Like having a healthy balance with art. Though I'll admit, its getting addicting finishing stuff on my queue back to back so.. WE WILL SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about this healthy balance stuff!!!
Some personal shit I deff need to finish ...I hate how I am near done and I just stop but oh well. It will get done eventually.
This one is a tester icon I'm just ??? with.. I downloaded some odd traditional brushes but its looking kinda cool. also never drawn a seal before so meh good practice I'll be sure to finish.
Welp I have a ton more in personal I need to scan and start coloring...but as time goes cause... I have a personal project I need to get too as well. I cry.