★Current Mood: 👀 Excited
★Listening to: DRP – Electro Brain 586 (Full Album - 1990)★Watching: Hollow Man (2000)
★Reading: Fanfiction
★Playing: Shadow Corridor
★Eating: Salmon sushi
★Eating: Salmon sushi
★Drinking: Jasmine milk tea
Slayher metal drag race 2/22/2023
Shrek Rave 2/23/2023
Dorian Electra 3/8/2023
Kim Dracula 3/92023
KMFDM 3/10/2023
Mmmmm yes Im so excited about this, a 3 day weekend with my homie Rudrakitty and it's just concerts back to back. I should be semi-healed by then honestly. Since my next appointment to get my ace wraps off is on the 20th. I'm so cabin fever that I got tickets for me and Ru to go to a metal drag race show and a Shrek rave. Im going to a Shrek rave with Rudra on the 23rd. WE ARE GETTING TO THESE MFIN CONCERTS AND EVENTS. There is another secret event, 2 more I won't talk about until after I go ^.^ So this year is exciting and overly booked. And possibly more booked as time goes on. I'm just tired of sitting in the house and while I like goth parties Im beyond selective with my DJ and who I support and enjoy.
Yesterday I got my hair straightened cause eh...I just don't have the time to comb my hair while healing from surgery every day. So straightening it is the only way rn. Im trying to enjoy my hair straightened even tho I feel odd with it, but I have to admit to myself that I do not have the energy to do hair care 24/7 and that's what hair stylists are for and why we pay them. It took forever to get my hair appointment by the same stylist I went to originally. She is appointment only and it's like maaaan.... I have to book her a week in advance I was lucky she had something before this art jam I hosted yesterday.
I am also going to start the 100-day sketch challenge..unsure if that thing actually helps with art but I'm going to try honestly. I don't think it should be timed like everyone is doing but I do want to attempt it to get better at art and also to mentally kick myself to draw more. With more pieces, I can enjoy. this will also help me finish a sketchbook project I'm attempting this year. I have only finished one semi-digital sketchbook but not a physical one. So that's something to look forward to.
ART JAM PHOTOS ( PD:2/14/2024)
All I was able to do was a scribble cause I got tipsy and full on food weh
just pen and highlighter woooo
On a positive note, I got into South Street Art Mart and I am now one of their artists. I am excited to finally be in a brick-and-mortar store selling my work. Still actually waiting on them to put my section of the site up with my work so folks can buy from me... it takes some time.