★Current Mood: 😎 Accomplished
★Listening to: The Birthday Massacre - Red Stars
★Listening to: The Birthday Massacre - Red Stars
Anyhoots... this thing is still under construction, but my main self bio page
is done. Took me 4 days worth of html coding. But it was so worth it. It is so
cringe but I am finally free. It is completely me 110%. Not saying I cant be
me elsewhere, but there is a time and place. I can't really be wild on
my art site set up like a gallery. NTM my main site's blog is solely for art
in real time so can't be talking on there, mudding my art posts with irl life
blabber. Twitter is the same for me all art now and I was never a fan of word
limits and lack of customization. Lets not forget the constant over
stimulation of feed. I'm way too easily over stimulated and drained with
social media as a whole. So this is my personal home for anything goes. A true
big kitty den!
Health issues aside I am doing much better..thank goodness but I'm definitely talking it easy more and having a set work schedule instead of working hours straight on commissions and personal art. I have been taking way more breaks because in all honesty...it wont work out for my health in the long run both mentally and physically. Been working on my comms and personal art at a good healthy speed, and so far so good!
On a lighter note I got my first covid vax this month and my next dose is on the 26th of this month :p *wiggles*
It just feels so good to be able to go out without fear again. Hell, even now I'm still masking up despite the shot.
I was able to see my main chika Lioness this past Friday! Twas a nice dinner outing filled with tom yum ramen, rainbow rolls, eel dragon rolls, pork bun sandwiches, Cn fried chicken, and delish plum wine. The meet up was much needed and I missed her soooo much. Haven't seen her since my birthday this past January. This pandemic got us stupid bro.. but at least we were able to chill and chat it up at our fave meet up spot, Ajisen Ramen.
An here is the best part of this month I get to see my babes kish for the Halloween weekend. They are gonna look so handsome in their red devil ghost face mask. I'm gonna be a juggalo..I know anticlimactic but..hey I love em. WOOP WOOP! I'm just so excited to meet their family and their cats!! And to have some quality time with my fave boopie! It's much needed and I miss him so much. So excited and that's keeping me going through such a hard month.
Beyond that I need to catch up on my shows and more spookie youtube vids. I missed this weeks what we do in the shadow tv series and missed a few of my face paranormal channel updates. So I'm living good with some content to watch.
but anyways... tootles for now! Time to work more on this journal=^.^=
I'm so excited to be using my journal as a perma safe home for myself/irl life.