★Listening to: Mindless Self Indulgence - Get It Up
Messing with some brushes OuO;;;
Made one fade brush and some funny bristle and its actually working for me. this is way out of the norm with how I approach coloring but..hey...I don't like being stuck in the same bs technique. I love interest so damn fast even with my own work.
Some interesting brush tips I was able to add textures to and It worked out for me.
doing mock up icons to test them out.
An here is a very wet brush I was working on which I have to find again in my tools settings but its beyond interesting and I did some tester doodles I might actually finish.
and the casual canvas texture brushes I made that I usually use
In other news I invested and got a 11 x 17 flat bed scanner because honestly I sometimes feel limited to to 8.5 x 11 paper. An I do like working big. I think with this I can tackle some of my bigger comms and get em over and done with. Because I used to hate working big, then photo-merging my art back together in photoshop, its so god damn annoying. But now I don't have to anymore. WOOT!
I honestly should of invested in a scanner like this for years...Idk wtf I was even thinking... clearly not investing in my art and investing more in my frustrations. LOL
I honestly should of invested in a scanner like this for years...Idk wtf I was even thinking... clearly not investing in my art and investing more in my frustrations. LOL
later mi homos