★Listening to: Frances Yip -上海灘
I am so hyped!
Went to a Mastodon/Opeth concert Tuesday and it was amazing!!!!
Here are some photos(credit to me) and videos ^.^ (credit: Kish for snagging them I was too busy headbanging and my phone is trash.)
Here is the song that turned the floor into one big pit
So a lot is changing for me.
Still settling into my apartment and I start my new job mid-may and have 6 weeks of training. So stress off my back.
As for my art, I have hit a huge art block where my critical eye is moving faster than my hands can keep up so at this point. So I'm going back to fundamentals and relearning myself. I get these patches often but eh this time I'm going to work through it vs feel anxious about it and default.
I also left Twitter as a platform. I'm not comfy with elon musk owning it and tbh this has been a long time coming. I just don't care for the platform and decided to just use my personal discord as a gallery and start reposting on deviant art, Instagram, and furaffinity. Also, my personal website is the main hub. I've always had my love-hate for Twitter and solely been planning to leave regardless but man did that elon shit just make my choice absolute.
I also left Twitter as a platform. I'm not comfy with elon musk owning it and tbh this has been a long time coming. I just don't care for the platform and decided to just use my personal discord as a gallery and start reposting on deviant art, Instagram, and furaffinity. Also, my personal website is the main hub. I've always had my love-hate for Twitter and solely been planning to leave regardless but man did that elon shit just make my choice absolute.
Hopefully, my work can evolve more now.